วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2557

Service Design

Today we have watch video in topic of Service Design. It has 4 part.
Let's see the first part is about "What is Service Design?"

In the beginning of video, they compare about 2 cafe' that have the same price, same flavor and located close.
So how do we decided ,what cafe' do we like? it's depend on service design and principles of Marketing its 
called '7Ps' that contain : 1. People is relationships with customers and provider.
2. Process is design process for customer convenience
3. Physical evidence is Design service points that for convenience of customers.
That is the point that service design will come for help by bring way of thinking and practice of design for 
develop a service job, by classify into 3 part :
1. Exploration is research and analysis in order to understand the real issues.
2. Creation is the results will be used in the design concept.
3. Implementation is experiment and adapt the concept actually works.
That three step is a continuous process that must be repeated over and over. Service design will be the
 fundamental to the business in the long run.

Introduction to service design to be efficient, first step to do is exploration, this allowed us to see an overview
of the business (stakeholder maps). Let me summery for you, efficient data collection will allow us never get lost. 
And to design services that respond to the real needs.

After we have found the real problem of exploration stage then the next step of service design is creation or
 adoption that problem to be question of design concepts.
When step into a creation methods is to design scenarios for simulate different parts of the service. 
This associated with customer journey is another important tool for a service design that help us overview 
of the entire project step by step. Design guidelines that are caused due to the perfect combination of reasoning
and creativity. This will allow us to design services that meet every step as a before, during and after the service. 
And create great value to the business.

The last method of service design is implementation or bringing the idea of ​​the creation of phase to test for
errors, and updates can be be practical. One way is to create a model to test the concept in actual work. 
To check on run real application of that both the customer and providers will interact to do 
with that concept. Addition configured, questionnaire should be prepared to be a help in evaluating the test 
that the idea is good or not good enough. And when we have a complete design service and ready to use.
The service blueprint is an important tool in communication. For everyone to understand each phase of the
system. The work of all points in the business is relevant and consistent with the concept that we create a 
new one.

