So let's start with what is Physical computing. It is can be any device that you can touch such as ubiquitous computing (as embeded computing, etc.) ,iRobot and smart things. And I will give you an example that you can understand. We learn about Standalone object.
Standalone object is create one object that it can stand alone.(At first I try to search on google.com to find meaning of this word but it relate to programming so I use meaning that teacher tell me in class).
Example of Standalone object
A Stand-Alone Smart Watch
Standalone object is create one object that it can stand alone.(At first I try to search on google.com to find meaning of this word but it relate to programming so I use meaning that teacher tell me in class).
Example of Standalone object
A Stand-Alone Smart Watch
When I first spotted the Omate TrueSmart - a smart watch that doesn’t need to connect to a smartphone—I was, to put it politely, skeptical. With its own wireless data capabilities, a fully functional Android operating system, 1.5-inch touch screen, GPS, and dual-core processor, the device is basically a tiny smartphone with a wrist strap. I figured it would be overloaded and unusable, as well as overly expensive, since it requires its own data plan to take advantage of all its functions.
Smart hug
Beginning physical computing that use Lilypad to create.
So the next example of stand alone object, we talk about Micro-controller
In past our department we used basic stamp for learning that very old before have Auduino pop168 does not require a lot of units processing so it can be stand alone object.
In the beginning, Auduino is popular with Artist not Engineer.
Phidget is physical computing + budget.
Artist design simple interface, big function and easy to program. Artist thing on activity base, function of works are under on those activity but engineer thing on function base, focus on function.
And next topic, communication between physical & virtual.
Humans are intermediate between computer and output.
Transduction is exchange of energy from one side to computer.
Input -------------------> Output
From Input is guys sensing to physical stuff than transfer to electric signal. Example ; press the button for produce output.